Hi all,

This is my blog, purpose is to update all my friends and family on how I am and what myself, the family and our friends have planned for the time I have left.

I will include updates on my treatments, how I am feeling and what we are planning as a family. I do have a lot planned so don't expect daily updates, hopefully this will give you some general information but I am happy to answer questions and all suggestions are welcome.


Thursday, 1 July 2010

Retirement Day

Well today is officially retirement day. I have received all my pension paperwork and will officially start drawing my pension soon. God this makes me feel old...never thought I would be drawing my pension at 36.

Craig is quite excited he has been telling people he has been retired for years.

Well with the pension stuff all sorted we are focussing on the house and "Do". We have lots of people coming (I was expecting people to shy off but most people have confirmed they are coming so we will have a full house) We are praying for sunshine and hoping the weather will stay bright then we can enjoy the outside. Not much left to organise now other than outfits.

Most people we are speaking to are actively shopping for their fancy dress, we have ordered online so might have to do emergency shopping if they don't get here...or worse look horrendous. Remember anything goes...

Update on me...not much has changed, had my treatment yesterday and been invited to go to the cognative therapy session tomorrow. No idea what this will be like but will give it a go.

I did have a whole scary bald moment today though, I went out with the kids to post some letters and was half way down the road when I realised I didn't have hair on!

What was worse was I only realised when the kids started to talking to a women down the street, she did her best not to look at my shiny head but I felt so self conscious. I am alright at home, with friends but this was the first time I had completely forgot to put anything on my head I felt strangely exposed and embarrassed. Thinking about it afterwards I know I am less bothered about how I look and more bothered about how other people react. its that double take, sympathy thing that I can't take. Luckily the woman we met was great and didn't bat an eye lid bless her.

So now that I am officially old it must be bed time so I am going to go now but will see you all soon at the "Do".

Keep smiling


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