Hi all,

This is my blog, purpose is to update all my friends and family on how I am and what myself, the family and our friends have planned for the time I have left.

I will include updates on my treatments, how I am feeling and what we are planning as a family. I do have a lot planned so don't expect daily updates, hopefully this will give you some general information but I am happy to answer questions and all suggestions are welcome.


Friday, 20 April 2012

April - Venting My Spleen

Hello Everyone,

Apologies for the delay with my Blog but this last couple of months have been busy with both good and bad things.  I will update you on the health stuff first as there isn't much to say.


I continue on my chemo (tablets) which are great and have had a good effect on me and what I have the fitness and energy to do. I have a good relationship with my nurse and doctor so I am progressing well and can talk to them about everything. As you would expect I am having some side effects to cancer and medication (like repeating myself- so tell me if I am) but being busy and having a good team looking after me means that I am still here, and have lots planned and lots to do.

That said you should also be aware that with my failing eyesight and shaky hands I sometimes dont make sense and spell badly....Ha Ha

So what have I been doing?

Well having parties of course.


Our Easter Egg hunt the other week which was great. The kids collected lots of chocolate and all behaved well and the adults had a good time chatting, drinking and dancing. My daughter had too much chocolate (was sick) and one of the other mums had too much alcohol, (not saying who - ha ha), as you can see yet another great party at our place.

I have formally written complaint to the LloydsTSB bank on their inability to change my name (to Sargent) despite 7 visits over two years.  As you all know me you will know that I am good at complaining, especially when their inability to get my name right interrupted the house move of my parents, left me unable to get any cash for 3 days and even on one occasion change my online name to being T.41Lor.

Whilst this has been incredibly frustrating I am now a Sargent and on first name terms with the Manager (Barry)  which is good as I continue to have problems with their inability to get my name right and have also found out a member of my family has been having the same problems for 3 years with the same bank.  I haven't changed my email and blog address because of this but I am a Sargent now and it is our two year wedding anniversary at the end of the month.


The good thing is that despite the TSB not accepting my passport (Sargent) as ID my brother and I manged to complete our parents house move. Whilst we don't have pictures hung, and all boxes and bags unpacked yet, everything else is pretty much sorted and they are looking forward to visits from the family.


The most infuriating and time consuming, bad thing for me, has been submitting my parents tax return on line. Yes I did spend my birthday doing this,!

As we had help from the family, we already had all the relevant finance data to input, plus a computer with working Internet connection (unlike my parents -moving house) I expected this to take 10 minutes not 10 days!!!.

We had already worked out the tax due, £0.80 ( yes 80 pence) which I paid over the phone, and I then spent the rest of the time trying to just log on to the HMRC website from Southport (codes and ref numbers - not Internet signal). Every time I input something wrong they would reset the log on details and passwords and send these to my parents at the house they were moving out of, which was 22 miles away and I can't drive. So simply logging on became an infuriating task!  I have never come across anything so damned annoying.  Ahhhh!


The good things along side all of the above are that my parents are now settled in their new home and we also have a new member of the family "Jessica " who was born two weeks ago, she is gorgeous just like her mum and her sisters.

I mentioned in my last post that another member of my family has created a website to promote his business. This is now live and looking fantastic thanks to help from one of Rays former students.  Ray is based in Horwich and has got a good response to the website locally but I am asking everyone, even those of you who live miles away, to have a look.  We are looking for feedback on the look and content and have more people looking at the site so that we can move up the search applications online  www.Drive2Perfection.co.uk, so if you get a minute have a look.

Whilst I am no longer at Warton, I do speak to quite a few people and had some good news today (ha ha), so keep in touch.

In case you hadn't noticed.......I have a lot on and this months blog has been a good vent for me.  Reaing this shoud explain why its so long since my last post.  I will keep in touch and be back soon.


I've had a couple of questions about this blog and access to it. If you search online it is fairly easy to find and read but if you go to the web address and sign in you will get an email of every updatre.

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