Hi all,

This is my blog, purpose is to update all my friends and family on how I am and what myself, the family and our friends have planned for the time I have left.

I will include updates on my treatments, how I am feeling and what we are planning as a family. I do have a lot planned so don't expect daily updates, hopefully this will give you some general information but I am happy to answer questions and all suggestions are welcome.


Wednesday, 15 August 2012

My Final Chapter

My final chapter Hi all, Now this is not me being morbid so don't panic, more me being overly practical as usual. In March 2010 I was told that I had breast cancer which had spread to my brain making me officially terminally ill. (i.e. not expected to live longer than 12 months). As you all know, seeing as Craig and I have just celebrated our second wedding anniversary, I have a great doctor, and have defeated the predictions to still be here in 2012. Wahoo!! As its the summer holidays we have lots of things planned: 😍Things with the kids (Chester zoo, Tuesday club, shopping for new school shoes and uniforms). 😏Birthday season, (we have lots in August....does that tell you what this family like to do at Christmas? Ha ha). 😏More work in the garden for Craig, John and other helpers, moving our very popular trampoline and building our new shed/bar??? 😷Plus visitors in the diary to see me and whilst this is going on I'm at the hospital every Wednesday and hospice every Thursday. With me being one of those plan ahead people, this months update of my blog is my way of telling everyone that from now on, you may not see or hear much more from me 1) because of my health issues, 2) my IT changes after I was hacked and 3) because im busy,busy, busy. So...the health stuff first.... Those of you who have seen me (and read previous blogs....yes I do repeat myself...ha ha) know that I have lost some muscle in my right leg so now have several walking aids and have relocated downstairs. The kids old playroom is now my bedroom and I have everything I need to hand,including my pc, phone and my new iPad which have had all passwords and logins reset after I was hacked a couple of weeks ago. So with the exception on this blog please ignore anything from Toni Naylor as I am now a Sargent I have recently had a CT Scan which revealed a blood clot on my lung and had an MRI scan which I will be seeing my doc about after his well deserved holiday. A special "thanks" to the other parents who stepped in at the last minute last week when I was called in about this. He asked me to come in immediately when it was my turn to entertain the kids at the Tuesday Club so we had to do some last minute juggling. Given my busy diary, IT problems and health issues this will be the last you see from this blog. Dont worry I'm not gone yet but the next time you hear from me, if I'm well enough, will come from Toni Sargent. I hope you are all well and having a good summer. Take care and good bye for now. Toni... Sent from my iPad

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