Hello all,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine. It has been gorgeous today and I am a little bit pink in places. I hope this good weather continues, especially as we have an easter egg hunt planned for Tuesday. (1.pm start for those who are coming)
Well first things first, thanks loads to those of you who have contributed to my book. I have had loads of inputs from people all over the country and the memories that come with them are amazing. The book itself is going well I've written about 14000 words so far and am just reaching my teenage years so this could be a big book!.
I'm currently writing about my start at Lostock, life as an apprentice and my exploits as a teenager. As you can imagine, looking back to this time of my life is quite scary and I am a little nervous about admitting to some of the things we got up to during this time. The thought of my kids reading this is scary because as a parent there are things I have done that I wouldn't want them to copy, but that said everything I have done has been character forming and made me into the person I am today.
Having really got into the "book" thing it is now my intention to supplement it with photographs and maybe get a couple of copies printed. By this I don't mean published, more to have copies that people can look through, and learn a bit more about me. My reasoning behind this is less about telling you about me and more about prompting you to take the time to look back at some of the things that you have done in the past, and to appreciate what you have and do now. (Sorry if that sounds patronising) What I have found, looking back, is that the decisions you make at different stages of your life have a big impact on your life and why you make these decisions says more about the type of person you are than you realise.
For example..As an apprentice I undertook placements in different departments but when faced with working with a load of women who spend all day bitching in procurement I asked Gareth for a different placement. He didn't have anything he could move me into so said come and and work with me in HR (Personnel in the day) whilst I sort something out. This led to my 20 year career as a HR person and the people who prompted this were those bitchy women I didn't want to work with.....Thanks girls.
So keep the inputs and memories coming, anything and everything is appreciated and those of you with photos from the days before we were digital, have a route around. Ta
Well on the health front I have now passed my anniversary and am still going strong. I had my 4th dose of chemo last week and so far have had very limited side effects which is great. That said I am suffering from the steroids, not in a pain way but in a weight way. The Steroids get rid of the headaches and dose me up for the chemo but they also make me constantly hungry so I have put on 2.5 stone since Christmas. It is scary, I now look like an Egg as all the extra weight is round the middle. My clothes don't fit me, my legs rub together and my hair is pretty much gone so I feel gorgeous!!!!
So with this in mind I am now on a mission to work some of this off, now not having to go to work everyday removes my excuses so I am going admit to you all that I am now 13 stone in a bid to embarrass myself into doing something about it! Please feel free to nag me when you see me eat rubbish, and sit around too much as summer is round the corner and I don't want to get any bigger. (And please don't think my saying this is insecurity. I am still having fun, plan to have more fun and am enjoying life in retirement.)
I feel very sad saying this but the thing I am most excited about at the moment is that we are getting some new Windows - wahoo! We love our house, its got a great garden and plenty of space for us and the kids but the windows are rubbish and we get new ones on Thursday. I never thought I would be sad enough to get excited by this but I am!
Other stuff planned includes another holiday, barge trip, alton towers, getting a trampoline for the garden and getting set for more "do's" with friends and family in the garden. Its great to have lots of stuff planned, even if it is exhausting some days, so requests and ideas all welcome.
Have a good half term or week at work everyone.
See you soon.
This blog has been set up allow me to keep in touch with family and friends and give you updates on what we are doing and how the treatment is going.
Hi all,
This is my blog, purpose is to update all my friends and family on how I am and what myself, the family and our friends have planned for the time I have left.
I will include updates on my treatments, how I am feeling and what we are planning as a family. I do have a lot planned so don't expect daily updates, hopefully this will give you some general information but I am happy to answer questions and all suggestions are welcome.
This is my blog, purpose is to update all my friends and family on how I am and what myself, the family and our friends have planned for the time I have left.
I will include updates on my treatments, how I am feeling and what we are planning as a family. I do have a lot planned so don't expect daily updates, hopefully this will give you some general information but I am happy to answer questions and all suggestions are welcome.
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