Hi all,

This is my blog, purpose is to update all my friends and family on how I am and what myself, the family and our friends have planned for the time I have left.

I will include updates on my treatments, how I am feeling and what we are planning as a family. I do have a lot planned so don't expect daily updates, hopefully this will give you some general information but I am happy to answer questions and all suggestions are welcome.


Thursday, 5 May 2011

May Madness

Hello all,

Well what can I say but I am exhausted, yes I had my treatment yesterday which is probably part of it but being honest it is because being retired is so so busy.

In the last 10 days we have been on holiday with D&D to the lakes (more of that later), missed a royal wedding party at Cals, been to a party at Pete and Gordy's, been on a barge trip dressed as pirates (more of this later), been to Julie's 40th, had Craig's brother over from Canada, worked in the shop, seen window people, taken kids to school and been to hospital.....so as you see its no wonder I am tired.

So today is officially my day off to recover from a fantastic week with family and friends and if you know me at all, plan what is coming up next, which includes; Tom's birthday party, trip to Alton Towers, Disney party with the Naylor clan, and visit from our friends from "down south". In the midst of all of this we are still working on the house, pond and garden (Thanks Dave and Alan) and need to get the windows finished so life isn't boring.

The Lakes

This was our chill out holiday, we went to Keswick to stay in a Lodge with D&D and left the kids at home with Nanny. (Thanks Barb) In my head, I thought this would be a quiet holiday where I would work on my books and diaries but I should have known better. We went out everyday and whilst we did fit in a rowing trip, a motor boat trip and a bit of shopping the majority of our time was spent in the pub eating good food, drinking too much alcohol and playing cards. So as you can see we had a great time.

Barge Trip

We have been talking about going on the barge trip for about a year but finally made the decision in January and as time progressed decided that we should dress up as pirates. I have to say this made the day for all of us and we have some fantastic pictures. We set off from Chorley and headed back towards Adlington to pick up Wendy and Ray and took the opportunity to see my bro and his kids before heading back towards Chorley. Luckily the weather was great and having started drinking before lunch time there is a lot of the evening that I don't remember but everyone seemed to have a fantastic time. I will put some of the picture on facebook later for those of you who are interested.

As you can see I am taking this terminal illness in my stride and enjoying the life it has given me. We are out having fun all the time and I am lucky enough to not feel ill. I do miss seeing the people I used to work with but am lucky enough to still speak to a lot of you (thinking about you all as you go through the reorgs.)

As always, I am here if any of you need anything or want a chat. I will post some pictures soon and update you as and when I can. Work on my book is progressing but haven't made much progress this last week....that said thanks for all your contributions.

Speak to you all soon.


1 comment:

  1. Catherine Keyes1 June 2011 at 05:08

    Hi Toni

    Really glad to see you are enjoying life.

    A quick note really to let you know that I finish my 20 years with BAE Systems on 23rd June - still feels a bit strange, but with Woodford closure preparation has been a gradual process.
    Going to have a bit of time off - wish I could retire!

    If you ever need anything from me, please use catherinekeyes@btinternet.com

    Take care and the very best of wishes to you all.

    Lots of love


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