Hi all,

This is my blog, purpose is to update all my friends and family on how I am and what myself, the family and our friends have planned for the time I have left.

I will include updates on my treatments, how I am feeling and what we are planning as a family. I do have a lot planned so don't expect daily updates, hopefully this will give you some general information but I am happy to answer questions and all suggestions are welcome.


Thursday 22 April 2010

22nd April

Today has been a good day, very busy but productive.

I'm sleeping a lot more at the moment, Doctors said this would happen but having only been sleeping 3 - 4 hours recently this I'm not used to being tired again.  Other than this I feel fine and am glad to be reducing my steroids which do make me a bit hyper.  Next course of treatment starts on Monday so watch this space.

Cindy came to visit today (great to see you hun) so we went out and had a lovely lunch and catch up.

Rest of the day was spent trying to get our finances in order so spent a lot of time on the phone, its a good job I don't have to work anymore I don't know where I would get the time...

Craig is currently watching the football and given the shouts I can hear down stairs it doesn't sound good.

Well thats its from me today...need to get on with sorting out Tom's birthday party which for those of you we haven't spoken to yet is on the 8th May at Scarisbrick Village Hall.  Invites will be with you shortly.


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