Hi all,

This is my blog, purpose is to update all my friends and family on how I am and what myself, the family and our friends have planned for the time I have left.

I will include updates on my treatments, how I am feeling and what we are planning as a family. I do have a lot planned so don't expect daily updates, hopefully this will give you some general information but I am happy to answer questions and all suggestions are welcome.


Tuesday 27 April 2010

27/4 Big Shopping Day

Craig and I went shopping today.

This is not a big event for most people but given we have been together for 10 years you could count on one hand how many times we have been shopping together...and they haven't ended well.  Surfice to say we are very different.... 

Craig goes shopping with a clear idea of what he wants and goes directly for whatever this is and more than 3 minutes in a shop is a waste of time and given he is 6ft tall with long legs walking between shops, with someone who doesn't like shopping feels like a race to me.

My approach to shopping is that this is treat time for me, I tune out the world, wander around and could happily spend hours pondering.  Our recent joint trip to tescos resulted in Craig telling me he will sit in the car next time, never again would be an understatement.

Anyway back to the shopping...As we are getting wed on Friday (...really not far away - ahhh) this was our trip to find something to wear for us and kids, whilst this is the paperwork wedding in my eyes we should make an effort to look presentable on the photos, that said I still have no idea what I'm going to do with my baldy head..... suggestions welcome.

Anyway we headed to debenhams which luckily is big enough to have everything and I could leave him in menswear whilst I did girly shopping so we managed to both get kitted out without coming to blows which is a successful trip in my eyes.  yippee

We have still got lots to do before Friday but ticking things off the list bit by bit.

Catch up soon.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Toni
    What a busy week you have had! I will keep my fingers crossed for some sunshine tomorrow - although I am sure a few raindrops will not dampen your day at all!
    Have a lovely day and many congratulations to you both from Woodford. C XXX


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